People need Dads to be their word and stay focused in life. This trust others have in us is damaged when we fall into the “I’ll do it later” and “I’m sorry, I forgot” cycle. Here at Memlane, we know the struggle. We need to reach out to our parents and friends, but when we […]
Using One-Off Reminders to remind you to book that trip with your friends and family
Do you forget about tasks you must do later because you’re busy? Do you also forget who you had to tell about it, once finished? Well, stop forgetting those things with Memlane, a mobile app for Android and iOS that helps you store and connect memories and keep in sync with the people that matter […]
Definition of “One-Off”: A setting for MEMs that allows scheduling a specific date and time to trigger a notification.
Definition of “Sync”: A setting for MEMs that queues it up for the next Ready To Sync.
Definition of “MEM”: Short for Memory, a MEM is a short bit of text a user puts into the app which you can also think of as a “note” or “log entry”. You can create MEMs using the circular + button at the bottom of the app.
Favorite Contact Birthday Reminders
I don’t know about you, but I almost always forget about birthdays. I’m a terrible friend for it, I know… Birthdays are an important time for people and if we care about someone, or want to show them we care, we should do better at remembering. This is why we designed Favorite Contact Birthday Reminders […]
One-Off Reminders
Definition of “One-Off Reminders”: When a MEM with a One-Off triggers a notification, it will appear in the Home screen’s One-Off Reminders section. Often, there are situations where you need to remember to reach out and ask something specific on a certain day and time. Queuing up a MEM for Sync can work well for […]
Daily Reminders to Create
I don’t know about you, but I often forget to jot down interesting things that happened in my day. I really don’t like journaling though, as it consumes too much time. Most of what I want to log is not public information I could share on social media either. To solve this, I created Memlane […]
Memory Linking to Contacts
Need to quickly recall a detail about someone? Or maybe you want to remember an old shared memory you had with someone and bring it up next time you talk to them. Maybe you’re trying to find a gift idea and can’t remember what someone’s favorite color is. To solve this problem, you need a […]
Spark Conversations with Memlane
Have you ever run out of things to talk about? Want to dive into deeper topics with family and friends and truly understand who they are? We’ve got you covered with Conversation Starters! The first pack we have available is the Romantic Essentials pack. This pack includes thoughtful questions that will inspire exploration into your […]